Today we went to the Fiesole, which is the Roman ruins. It was rainy and gloomy outside but it was still pretty. The bus ride up was beautiful. You got to see the houses going up the moutain side!

They had random modern art throughout the ruins. Not sure why but it was interesting.

This was the Roman Theater. It was amazing to see from the top down and from the bottom up into the stadium.
This was one of the walkways to enter the city.

Flower of the Day! and it had rain drops on it!

This is modern art displayed in the area where the bodies were burried in the town. It was posts on each a side with hands on each of them leading to a Roman head at the end.

This was one of the baths. It was the size of a swimming pool! The whole town had to use this to bath. They had a hot bath and a cold bath. The hot was to be first then only men were put into the cold bath which was believed to shock your body from the temperature and be good for you. But only men because they were masculine and the only ones that could handle it.

This is us being dumb in the dressing room!

The view from the restrooms behind the dressingrooms.

This was the kitchen and the two circles were the
stoves used in Roman time.

The view of the Theater from the top of the city.

This is the Roman Temple. Where they came to worship. One of the alters they used is still there, it is the little square column with the torso sculpture on top of it in the right corner. That is where they offered animal sacrafices!
Thank God.. I've been waiting to hear from you. You did a great job with the pics.