We woke up and met the girls at Cafe Mario, my favorite cafe for breakfast. The coffee here is amazing!Then we went shopping a little. So interesting to see how the style is completely different here!
Then we went wonder the city and just walk and see what we could find. We ended up on the outskirts of the city. It was all locals around here, just going about their daily lives. Then we ended up finding this little park. It was beautiful, nothing like girard park! We sat down on the benches and watched the little kids play on the play set, and the boys playing Futbol in the grass, and the couples walking around. It was very interesting.

We ended up in the Jewish part of town. Everything was in Hebrew and the restaraunts were all jewish food. It was interesting. They had a beautiful temple that was gated all around and had a huge dome at the top!
This is my new quote for life! We found it on the wall down one of the alleys!

Then we went eat lunch at a little cafe. We found tobasco! Thats crazy! not only is it American its from Louisiana! They of course had no idea what it was but the first place i have seen that!

Ahh! this was so much fun! we all grabbed a bottleof wine and went to the Ufitzi Square and sat on the steps and listened to this Italian live band! They even had an accordian! I was in heaven reminded me of zydeco! The band was really good and again they had Italians dancing in the street so it was really kool to see. They actually had two sets of tourist take our picture...hmm not sure if they thought we were locals and this is what locals do???
The group drinking our wine and listening to the band!

Then we went back to my apartment and I cooked dinner for everyone. It was alot of fun we hung out and got to know eachother and just talked about Italy and how crazy this is!

Part of the group eating in the living room!

This is my room i tried to make it feel a little home! thanks michelle for the picture! i sleep next to it everynight!
You just blended right into the culture and that is what will make your trip so successful. Look so cute at that little stove. Thanks again for taking time to share your trip with us. Be safe and love ya!