On the train and off to Rome! This was my partner in the train. I got the seat in the back all by my lonesome!haha hey worked out!

We went check into our hotel and leave our bags. It was super nice.

Aww yeah Meagan made it! Her and Lorali came meet us at our hotel then we went eat lunch. So wierd to see them here didnt feel real.

Then we went on a tour of the Collesium. Amazing!!! It was so beautiful. We stood around and took a million picture before we went in.

Meagan and I

The girls in front of the archway into the ruins.

The entire group of girls in front of the Collesium.

So what had happened was......I bust it! We were walking down these steps to get to the Collesium. Well Maggie is walking in front of me and she slips and falls down the steps and I freak out because it sounded like it hurt her, so i bend down the help her up and I slipped down the steps! Def bruise potential! and Meagan thinks its the most hilarious thing that she had to walk away beacuase she was laughing so hard! good fren huh? Lets just say steer clear of white marble!

Just being dumb as usual. So excited that we get to wear those ear piece things again!

Cool pic of the Collesium.

Meagan and I under the archway with all the engravings in the top.

inside the Collesium. Amazing. So kool to see how it is all still standing. and you can see like where the animals would come out of and how it was like a maze.

The group on our tour.

The we went on a walking tour of the city. This is the Victor Emanuel Monument. Called the Wedding cake by the Romans because it looks like one.

The fountains in this city are beautiful.

Little band playing music in the square.

Break dancers. They were dancing in the square by the four rivers fountain. They were really good.

We all sat and watched their show they had.

All of us in front of the Four Rivers Fountain.

Then we went to the Pantheon. It had a little bit of construction going on.

The dome that was used to make the dome of the Duomo.

The Trevi Fountain. My favorite. It was so beautiful. They had so many people but it was still amazing. This is the most visited fountain in the world!

Making our wish and tossing our coin so we can come back to Rome.

Meagan and I in front of the Trevi Fountain.

pretty pic

The Spanish steps.

First time on the Metro. It was prety kool. A little confusing but it was kool.

Then we went back to our hotel and hung out. This is our cute little room.

Then we went on the roof top terrace and drank wine and talked and cut up. It was so much fun! hilarious stories!

The view off of the terrace. So beautiful.

The girls with the view in the backgrgound. It was like it was fake. So amazing

Maggie and I making everyone laugh about our fall today! Today was amazing. Going see everything in Rome and having my lil Meg and Lorali here and having so much fun then ending it on the terrace with everyone laughing and cutting up.
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