Today we went to the Vatican square and listened to the Pope address the crowd. He talked about what happened during the week then he addressed each nationality and then he blessed the crowd. It was pretty amazing. We
didnt get to see all of it because me and Meagan got lost in the train station!
haha but got the end of it!

After the blessing we went eat lunch and then we had a free day. I wanted to go see "Rome from the Sky". So we went on a little venture across town and went to the Victor Emanuel Monument.

Once we got up there it was a little terrace with a cafe on it. You could see the entire city. It was beautiful!

Taking our pictures we saw there was a elevator behind us. We found out you can pay for a ticket and go up to the very top of the monument.

Meagan and
JAmie on the glass elevator. Kinda felt like a Willy
Wonka elevator.

The view from the top. It was amazing! you could see over the entire city and 360 view! It was so amazing!

All props to Rick Steve!

Looking over the other side of the building.

Lorali Meagan and I

Meagan and I with the
Collesium in the background!

Johnny Cash hanging out on the side walk taking a little nap with his gun in his hand!

Taking dumb pics on our way to the Chapel.

We went to the Pope's Chapel. It is said that they moved the steps from Jerusalem to here. These are the steps that Jesus walked up to meet with
Pontius Pilot. It was very pretty and so quiet.

These are the steps. You are supposed to climb up them on your knees and say a certain prayer on each step. We
didnt have enough time to do it because we had to catch a train but its like everyone is on a step and they say the prayer together then you move up a step...

This was on the third or fourth step. If you look in the hole that is covered with glass you can see a stain on a rock. This is Jesus' blood. It was pretty

Then we walked back to train station and saw the wall that surrounds the city.

Then we got on Metro and got serenaded by the lady playing the

Then we finally made it home and made dinner for Meagan and
Lorali. The best dinner yet. It was so good! We stayed up talking and drinking some wine pretty much all night.
Wow!! Pics are soooo amazing!! But i have to admit that your dinner doesn't exactly look so appetizing. HA Nothing compared to a nice home cooked meal in south Louisiana. Though i must admit that i do love bread and looks like thats all yall had for dinner. HAHA
ReplyDeletehaha thanks Nicole! i know i hate taking pics of food but Meagan wanted me to. But our food was good so huh! tell me about it cant wait for some spices in my life! you will have to cook for me when i get back!