Today we went to Positano. Definately my favorite place in the world! It was beautiful and so much fun. It is a little city that is situated on the side of a mountain. The houses go all the up the side of the mountain. This was on our way there, if you look close that is the road we are on. It winds around the mountain and is really high because you have to get to the city from the top. No buses can go down into the city.

This was on the walk down into the city. You have to walk down tons of stairs...really think it was like 900 stairs!! But it was really neat because you walk in this little stairway path and see all the homes and gardens. This is how they get to there houses, everyone uses these stairs.
Then when we made it to the bottom, there was the black sand beach! It was beautiful! It is made of little black and grey pebbles and a little sand. In the afternoon it gets hot though! Those pebbles burn your feet!

Looking up the mountain from the beach! The very top in the right picture is where you walk down from! Yeh its a ways! But this place was amazing and the town was so beautiful! All the buildings are colored a different color! So we hung out on the beach and in the water for a while.

Then we got a little sail boat and went on a tour of the coast.

The view of the town from the boat! Beautiful!

Trying to get us and the town in the background!

The whole group! At this point we were just looking at how awesome the view was of the town and the mountains and everything else!!!

Then...... we went Cliff Jumping!!! We pulled up by this little beach and our tour guide didnt speak much English(basically none) but he gestured that we were to jump out of the boat and swim to the beach. Kinda strange just to jump out into the water and swim like 50 yards to a beach! oh the water hit you like a ton of bricks too! It was like 12 degrees..maybe! It made your adrenaline rush even better though! Then we got to the beach and found a little path to climb up the side of the cliff where you can jump off. It was awesome! So much fun!

We jumped then we swam back to the beach and watched Trisha jump. Like right before Trisha, this girl jumped and right before she hit the water her body kinda turned and I guess she had her hand in a wierd position....the water broke her wrist! It was crazy! Some of them did back busters on accident and you could here them smash against the water. I know that hurt! But it was still cool!

Then I went back with Maggie! Ahh! could have done this all day! Then we swam back to boat to tour the rest of the coast. But of course I forgot my sunglasses on the beach so had to jump out and swim back to beach! Dagger!

The coast....

This was probably the best part.... Our tour guide stopped and "told us" that if we wanted we could go swim into the cave which was the replica of the Blue Grotto. This was kinda wierd because last time he stopped by a beach so you could see the bottom. This time he literally stopped in the middle of the sea which was so deep you couldnt see the bottom, and told us to jump out! Some were scared so only a few of us went! If you look in the water in this pic you can see us swimming into the cave.

This is going in. Maggie brought her waterproof camera(Legit..everyone should have one!) so we could take pics!

Right before we swam in! It was amazing! The water was completely clear you could see everything! and the walls surrounding it were these smooth white rocks! It was beautiful!

Then we came out the other side and I decided I want to climb the rocks!(why i got this little boost of courage i will never know! but it was awesome). The view was amazing and you could see clear to the bottom of the Sea. Doing the classic cheesy thumbs up pic!

Then the girls got up there and we were jumping off into water! So much fun!

Heather Maggie and Johanna swimming outside the cave. You can see there feet! This is when we were talking about how crazy it was that we were swimming in the middle of the Mediteranean Sea! This was the most amazing thing i have ever done! and the most beautiful place!

We got back on the boat and toured the rest of the coast.

Caddie Ali Trisha and I after we went into the cave. We were telling them all about it.

Arriving back at the beach. We went walk around the town! It was beautiful and the people here are so nice! It is a lot less touristy than Capri, so you get to see what the locals do here on a daily basis.

These purple flowers were everywhere. This is the top of the sidewalk walking through the town...beautiful! They were all over the houses and terraces all up the mountain. These are by far my favorite flowers I have ever seen! I want to plant some just like this!

Then we went back up to the top of the town.

We stopped at this little fruit stand and had some of the best fruit i have ever had. The cherries were amazing they tasted like a blend of a peach and a mango. So good! and the red grapes were good too!

The group from the top. You can see the sun setting over the mountain. It was beautiful!

The town from above! This was the most beautiful place! It was my favorite... I know I have more to come but I dont think this one can be beat. The best experience of my life! I wish we could have stayed here over night. In the town, they had strings with light bulbs hanging on them above the streets. I bet that is beautiful at night to walk through the streets with those everywhere! Ahh I loved it! Then we headed back to the hotel and had dinner at our hotel. It was cute the little man tried to make us some American food because we were a big group of people from accross America so he made stuff from all he made some mashpotatoe balls which is obviously from the north becuase the people from Chicago and Conneticut said they have it all the time(never heard of it!)....(he has like a set menu, he cooks one thing and everyone that goes eat there, thats what he serves). He should definately stick to Italian but it was cute that he did that for us! After dinner, we went sit on our balcony and talked and drank wine! Best Day yet!
Love it!!! Cant wait for you to come home so that I can see the excitement on your face when you tell us all about it again!!!
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